Предприятия группы Метинвест

Metinvest Trametal SpA

Metinvest Trametal spa (works)

Via Enrico Fermi, 44
I - 33058 San Giorgio di Nogaro (UD)
Tel.: +39 0431 629989
Fax: +39 0431 629985

Directions from A4

Take the Porpetto/San Giorgio di Nogaro exit and then after the pay point turn right on SP80.

Go ahead for 8 km on SP80, you’ll find Metinvest Trametal on the right side of the road.


Metinvest Trametal spa (commercial office)

Via XII Ottobre 3 - 6th floor
I - 16121 Genova
Tel.: +39 010 5762911
Fax: +39 010 5762990

Directions from A12 southbound

Take the Genova Ovest exit and then after the pay point follow direction La Spezia.

Take via Moro and after 1km take the exit Corvetto/De Ferrari, follow via Casacce for 200 meters then after the traffic light take the second road on the right, you’ll find Metinvest Trametal offices after 50 meters on the right side of the road.

Directions from A12 northbound

Take the Genova Est exit, after the pay point follow indications for city centre.

At the first traffic light turn right on via Montaldo, go ahead 1 km then at the crossroad take the first exit to piazza Manin.

Go ahead for 800 meters and at the next crossroad take the fourth exit to via XII Ottobre.

Continue for 300 meters, you’ll find Metinvest Trametal offices on the left side of the road.